Orange in a stocking

Equipment: Christmas socks or stockings, oranges, tennis balls – one of each per team; string to indicate start and finish line; 4 filled plastic bottles (eg with water) or tall cones per team.



Space: Hallway or straight space

Set Up: Mark out a start line and finish line using string or tape. Space the bottles/cones out equally between the start and finish lines, allowing for a player to move in between like a slalom. Place an orange into the foot of each stocking or sock.

How to Play: Divide players into equal teams.

Give each team a stocking/sock and a tennis ball.

Players line up behind the start line facing the finish line. On the word ‘Go’ players have to dribble their tennis ball using only the sock/stocking (like a hockey stick) around each of the bottles/cones in slalom fashion to the finish line then pick up the ball and run back, handing the stocking/sock and ball to the next player. The first team back behind the finish line sitting down in a line is the winner.