Kids in Blankets

Equipment: Picnic rugs or blanket – 1 per team; a start and finish line (eg string across the floor)



Space: Hallway or centre or a room or indoor space

How to Play: Divide players into equal teams (ideally 4 per team)

Each team kneels one behind the other behind the start line facing the finishing line, with one mat or blanket per team.

On the word ‘Go’ the player at the front lies down flat and rolls up in the blanket and then rolls himself/herself to the finish line. Once across the finish line, he/she unrolls then takes the blanket back to the next player. The first team to have everyone back sitting behind the start line with the blanket neatly folded in front of the first player is the winner.

Safety: Make sure there is enough space for the players to lie down and roll in the same direction without hitting furniture or each other and make sure the head of the player is always outside the blanket.