Santa’s treasure

Equipment: Pine cones, balls, cones, hoop (or bucket)

Space: Large room

Set up: Put all the items into the bucket or hoop. Designate a ‘Santa’ who stands with his/her back to the group with the ‘treasure’ between him/her and the group. Mark a starting line behind which all players stand.

Playing the Game: Each player stands on the other side of the room to Santa, behind the starting line. When the leader indicates go, the players try to take Santa’s treasure without being seen by Santa who can turn round any time. If Santa sees a player moving, the moving player has to go back to the start. If a player manages to steal a piece of treasure, Santa can chase after him/her, but all the other players are then allowed to take the treasure. If they do so before Santa catches the player, then the players win. If Santa catches the player with the treasure first, Santa wins.